sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Integrating Technology in the Classroom

Technology has become an important aid for teaching. In fact, the use of technology in the classroom is a must. Therefore, teachers need to be aware of how to use it and how to make our students learn by using technology. Probably these are the first stages before introducing and integrating technology in our students’ learning process

Other aspects teachers should consider are the planning process, the Internet access, the hardware and software available in the institutions, the quality of the websites and their pedagogical uses, among others.

To sum up, it is important not only to use technology but to know how to use it considering all the aspects that are related to it. By doing so, the results will be positive and effective for our students.

Here you are some links you can find useful for integrating technology in the classroom

Johnson, D. and Maddux, C. Using Technology in the Classroom

Shelly, G. and Cashman, T. Teachers discovering computers: integrating technology and digital media in the classroom

2 comentarios:

  1. That's right Indira, You've nailed it. It is not only using technology for the sake of it. We have got to evaluate what we use on the net and learn how to use it. Thanks for sharing those links!

  2. Yes Miguel, it is how I said before, the technology is everywhere and everyone can use it, but what we do as teachers is what makes the difference.
